Clare Elsaesser, Hidden
Volume 10
The West Marin Review features prose, poetry and art from West Marin and across the United States and beyond. This is its 10th volume, with pieces on nature and history, personal stories both funny and touching, poetry from poets young and not-so-young, a musical piece, and every kind of visual art illuminating its pages.

Carol Beebe, Daybreak and Tule Elk (detail)
Outside the window
the ocean is sparkling, for no reason
I’m calling you, for no reason
to tell you this
– Hathaway Barry, “Sparkles”

Kim Ford Kitz, Ink Wells
Many talented individuals are featured in the West Marin Review.
- Dana DeKalb Lotus Eater
- Clare Elsaesser Hidden
- Howard Norman Journal Entries from Japan
- Claire Peaslee Living Tides
- Gerald Fleming The Collagist
- Brian Kirven The Origin of Cursive
- Hal Ober Time Foolish
- Marlene Buono Tribute to a Poet
- James Misner Where I’m Leaving From
- Laura Atkins Whiteness and the Establishment of California
- Mark Dowie The Hidden and the Sought
- Paul Strohm Stockyards
- Molly Katzman Just Like That
- Susan Trott Boy Conductor
- Antonia Albany Dancer in Red
- Daniel Licht Honey, It’s August
- Hathaway Barry Sparkles
- Zoë Rocco-Zilber If Point Reyes Was a Person
- Amalia Campe The Earth the Wind and the Sea
- Jerome Gagnon Temple Snow
- Deborah Buchanan Down to the Swale
- Wayne Hill The mouthbone
- Gail Entrekin My Life with You
- Eleanor Channell Early Hour
- Carolyn Wilsey Things That Surprise
- Michael Sykes One Hand Clapping
- John Parman Close Observation
- Dean Rader Meditation on Revolution
- Dan Bellm After Du Fu: Spring Vista
- Judy Brackett The World of the News
- Emily Teitsworth Seeds
- Charlene Logan Burnett Goat Children
- Laura Booth Citrus
- Rachel Richardson O
- LeeAnn Pickrell A comma
- Patricia Silva A Traveler’s SongTranslated by Carl Nagin
- Adele Maze Summer Song
- Karen Benke Hide & Seek Memory and Tanka
- Dana DeKalb Lotus Eater
- Chris Adessa I’m Tired of the Same Old Grub
- Wendy Schwartz Ridge Trail
- Jenny Long Meadow Face and Walkers
- Tito Patri Lost Coast Cabin
- Thomas Heinser West Marin Works
- Elaine Coombs Golden Woodlands
- Willow Banks Sea Ice
- Ann Holsberry Confluence
- David Hibbard Winter Surf, Point Reyes Beach and Tidal Landscape, Drakes Beach
- Janet Jacobs Open Air I
- Amanda Quiroz Dust Collection
- Glenn Carter Letters for Denise
- Joyce Kouffman Music Manuscript
- Richard Kirschman Eternal
- Anne Faught Shipping Lines and Constellations over Skopelos
- Tanna Bellia Birdgirl
- Carol Beebe Daybreak and Tule Elk
- Bob Kubik Coyote
- Mimi Robinson High Tide and Grass Rhythms
- Sandy White Boulder Blueberry Hill
- Matt Witt Point Reyes Bobcat
- Cy Twombly Untitled
- Vi©kisa Water
- Shirley Salzman The Annual Reunion of the One True God
- Johanna Baruch Panta Rhei and Entheos
- Gerald Leonard Seriously?
- Kim Ford Kitz Half Moon Bounty and Ink Wells
- D. L. Woerner Poison Hemlock
- Victoria Chaban Pink-Throated Twinspot and Great-Crested Grebe
- Michel Venghiattis Inverness Ridge at Sunset #1
- Maritta Tapanainen Tether and Haussmann III
- Lorraine Almeida Moon Over Foggy Point Reyes
- Toni Littlejohn Terra Firma
- Theodora Varnay Jones Indistinction #6
- Mark Ropers An Evening in Spring, Inverness
- Vi Strain Himalayan Blackberry Bramble
- Jacqueline Mallegni Currents
- Naomi Zaro Dirty Dishes
- Richard Anthony Russo The Wave
- Clare Elsaesser Hidden