Volume 4
From Volume 4 bursts illuminating art, essays, memoir, a classic Jamaican folksong newly arranged by Bart Hopkin, poetry from the whimsical to the wistful, and a new take on a well-known folktale. You’ll also find journalist George Clyde’s dramatic investigation of a thirty-five-year-old mystery, artwork from Point Reyes artists Susan Hall and Jon Langdon, and a haunting new poem by Robert Hass.

How Rep. Phillip Burton and a Magic Marker Hijacked Tomales Bay into the Golden Gate National Recreation Area
Tomales Bay is approximately ten miles long and averages a mile in width, sitting directly atop the San Andreas Fault. One of the most pristine estuaries in the world, the bay is home to the famous Hog Island Oyster Company, which grows shellfish in its waters.
I found myself
suddenly voluminous,
a many-roofed building in moonlight.

Many talented individuals are featured in the West Marin Review. Please click below for this volume’s contributors.
- Marnie Spencer Gullible’s Travels
- Alvin Duskin Uncle Dave
- Joan Thornton Gretel
- Francesca Preston Creating an Apian Society
- Michael Parmeley Jake’s Memorial
- Jody Farrell Cutting the Boys’ Hair
- Frances Lefkowitz Something Severe
- Susan Trott About Bunin
- F. J. Seidner Collecting
- George Clyde How Rep. Phillip Burton and a Magic Marker Hijacked Tomales Bay
- Mark Dowie Kitchen Tables
- Carola DeRooy The Language of Baskets
- William Masters Etiquette
- Robert Hass Planh or Dirge for Those Who Die in Their Thirties
- Joan Thornton A Taste for Action
- Glen Stephens You and I and Two Bottles of Beer
- Nancy Binzen I Know Three Things
- Gina Cloud covenant
- Emily Cardwell Sponge
- Lisandro Gutierrez Plants and the Water
- Monte Merrick untitled, loss and what comes next
- Helen Wickes The Year My Nouns Left Town
- Calvin Ahlgren Refurbishment: Rain on the Way
- Gary Thorp Flight Plan
- Claudia Chapline Selection from One Stroke One Breath
- Jacoba Charles Inverness Summer
- Margaret Chula Dystopia
- Donald Bacon Quail Fog
- Jane Hirshfield Many-Roofed Building in Moonlight
- A. Van Gorden Fact
- Carolyn Means Red Glow: Wood-Fired Tea Bowl
- Susan Hall Old Cypress
- Kaya Gately Hummingbird
- Cynthia Pantoja Serenity
- Thomas D. Joseph Bodega Bay, Autumn
- Patricia Thomas She Lived in Two Worlds; She Lived in Two Worlds (Negative)
- Kathleen Rose Smith Sun Woman Triptych
- Jon Langdon Night Rose
- Susan Preston Lou’s and Francesca’s First Hive
- Amanda Tomlin Memorial (Our Lady of the Harbor by David Best)
- Jonathan Aguilar I Try
- Hector Martinez #1 Pride
- Olivia Fisher-Smith Submerged
- Leslie K. Allen Limantour Estero, Pt. Reyes, No. 2 (Dune Grass)
- Candace Loheed Birds of a Feather
- Claudia Chapline Four Calligraphic Images
- Mardi Wood Maremma Bull
- Pam Fabry The Shape of Things
- Salihah Moore Kirby spirits on the afternoon ship awake from an important nap-dream
- Marnie Spencer Gullible’s Travels
- Jan Langdon Red, White and Black
- Shirley Salzman Looking North from Millerton
- Christa Burgoyne Pt. Reyes Barn #1/#2 and Raven, Body Feather
- Eileen Puppo In the Valley
- Russell Chatham Looking Toward the Absarokas
- Sabine (Bree) Terrell The Birds’ Song
- Austin Granger Tomales Bay
- Artist Unknown Coast Miwok Basket
- Toni Littlejohn The Lioness
- Francesca Preston Irises and Paper
- Rutilio Plasencia Arbol de la obscuridad
- Igor Sazevich Olema
- Mary Curtis Ratcliff Waterweb
- Christine DeCamp Spring Fog
- Tomales High School Art Students West Marin Review Posters
- Bart Hopkin Call Dynah