Volume 1
Geography informs this debut issue of the West Marin Review, the way landscape ignites imagination and sustains the human spirit. “We need untrammelled nature and open spaces”, said Wallace Stegner, “Even if we never do more than drive to its edge and look in.” Contributors include prose, poetry, and art by Robert Hass, Natalie Goldberg, Mark Dowie, Jules Evens, Susan Hall, Inez Storer, and Andrew Romanoff.

The Watershed Project
In the 2006–2007 school year, The Artists in the Schools Program collaborated with the second through fifth grades at West Marin School and the combined third and fourth grades at Bolinas-Stinson School to create an exhibition at Toby’s Art Gallery in Point Reyes focusing on the Wetlands.
Tomales Bay is flat blue in the Indian summer heat.
This is the time when hikers on Inverness Ridge
Stand on tiptoe to pick ripe huckleberries

Eating the Environment
I have been eating and noticing food in the Tomales Bay region for years now, maybe because it has always seemed to be more than just food. In those years, either the food or something inside me has changed—or maybe we have evolved together.
Many talented individuals are featured in the West Marin Review. Please click below for this volume’s contributors.
- Cover
- Thomas Heinser Jersey Heifer
- Prose
- David Miller Wallace Stegner, West Marin, and the Geography of Hope
- Claire Peaslee Plunge
- Jules Evens Lightness of Being
- Michael Parmeley Tea Time
- Nancy Kelly Seasons
- Dewey Livingston M.B.Boissevain, Farm Advisor, 1924–1933
- Mark Dowie The Fiction of Wilderness
- Jody Farrell Picnic in the Park
- Doris Ober Owl Out of Heaven
- Sage Van Wing Brothers At Arms
- Steve Heilig Secret Vacation
- Tucker Malarkey Eating the Environment
- Elisabeth Ptak Bishop Pine
- Poetry
- Larry Hampton Untitled (A salmon hears)
- Robert Hass September, Inverness
- Barbara Swift Brauer Changing Forecast
- John Korty The Rules of Composition
- Nancy Bertelsen Graffiti Bridge
- Devi Weisenberg Elders at Shell Beach
- Samonti Smith Advertisement
- Talyha Romo Untitled (I am from the trophies)
- Natalie Goldberg For M.H.; Poem
- Agnes Wolohan Smuda von Burkleo Blackberry Pie II
- Art + Artifact
- Jack Welpott North Coast
- Steve Pring Swimming in Tomales Bay
- Cheryl Higgins Redwing
- Todd Pickering Limantour Beach Sand
- Nancy Stein Wave #8
- Susan Hall Bay Fishing
- Marna Clarke Madrone #29
- Silas Blunk Untitled Works
- Dan McCormick Restorative Art on Olema Creek
- Wendy Schwartz Wood Shop, Route One
- Marty Knapp Blue Oak Group; Hillside Oaks
- Igor Sasevitch Adios Point Reyes Station
- Andrew Romanoff Diving Bird
- Artists in the Schools Program The Watershed Project
- Patrick Gavin Duffy Steep Ravine Cabin #4
- Jack Wellpot Requiem for Wendy
- Inez Storer Highway 101, L.A. Postcard
- Leslie Goldberg Caution
- Music
- Joyce Kouffman Winter Reverie